Business plan «Cottage village» (including financial model)
- 133
- Английский
- 17.03.2014
- В электронном виде
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Adaptation of this business plan is possible for analogous project around the world.
The financial model in separate file is attached to this business plan, which makes it easy to build a new financial plan by entering the appropriate data.
Description of the typical business plan «Cottage village»
(including financial model and detailed media plan in Excel)
The given business plan includes:
- Automatized financial model in Excel
- Detailed media plan in Excel
This business plan can be adapted to any project in Russia.
The financial model is built in such a way that changes in efficiency index can be monitored at once.
To make the re-calculations for a new project, it’s enough just to change the basic indexes.
The applications of Excel which are used for this business plan are simple and convenient that gives any person an opportunity to make successful calculations for his own project.
Aim of the project:
- Attracting investments for building the cottage village in Krasnodar Krai in Russian Federation;
- Rationalization of commercial effectiveness of building the immovable property objects of different types on the district;
- Working out of step-by-step development of the district area.
Project’s description:
- General area of the district – *** ha
- Presence of the nearby communications
- Exceptional typical characteristics
- Object has a profitable transport position
- Proximity of the building up object to the village infrastructure and Crimea
- Average cost of 1 sq. m. of cottage village with a lot - *** thsd. RUB.
- Average cost of 1 sq. m. of townhouse - *** thsd. RUB.
- Average cost of 1 sq. m. of apartment - *** thsd. RUB.
Investment outlay on project
Article |
unit |
2 qtr.2014 |
3 qtr.2014 |
4 qtr.2014 |
1 qtr.2015 |
Land lot |
Outlay for land lot |
Preproject and project work |
Building of communications |
Electric supply |
Water supply |
Sewerage |
Gas supply |
Building of inside area networks |
Electricity |
Water supply |
Sewerage |
Gas supply |
Storm sewage |
Building of roads and parking |
Road to the district |
Building of inside roads and parking |
Improvement and planting of the area |
Arrangement and planting of the territory |
Fencing of the territory |
Building of nonresidential edifices and installations |
Administration buildings |
0 |
Field for mini football, 375 sq. m. |
Post control |
Post control 2 |
Building of inhabited edifices |
Cottages |
Townhouses |
Apartments |
Costs on marketing, advertising, realtors |
Marketing, advertising |
Realtor commission |
Objects for building and subsequent realization:
cottages |
*** m2 |
*** units |
cottages |
*** m2 |
*** units |
cottages |
*** m2 |
*** units |
cottages |
*** m2 |
*** units |
townhouses |
*** m2 |
*** units |
townhouses |
*** m2 |
*** units |
apartments |
*** m2 |
*** units |
apartments |
*** m2 |
*** units |
Project’s taxes and rates:
Rate VAT - ***%
Rate of profit tax - ***%
Annual rate of discount - ***%
Quarter rate of discount - ***%
Financial rates:
Earnings - ***mln. RUB.
Costs, including land lot - ***mln. RUB.
Gross profit - ***mln. RUB.
Net profit - ***mln. RUB.
Net present value (NPV) - ***mln. RUB.
Quarter internal rate of return (IRR) - ***%
Annual internal rate of return (IRR) - ***%
Necessary capacity of investments - ***mln. RUB.
Necessary capacity of investments not including costs on the lot - 157 166 239 RUB.
Discount payback period – 13 quarters
Extracts from the research:
Within the limits of conducting the given research there were analyzed the objects of immovable property of primary market in *** district and in ***, as well as objects of secondary market of *** district, which potentially can become competitors.
Cost of the land lots on local market vary from *** RUB. to *** RUB. for 1 acre, minimum and maximum value is locked in for the village «***» and for the lot in ***.
On the secondary market of immovable property in *** district there are presented both relatively inexpensive and highly budget variants. Price depends on a distance to the sea, the area of lot, house or apartment, as well as the condition of building. Near *** houses with land lots are presented with a price from *** RUB. to *** RUB. Average price of the house is *** RUB., average area – till 100 sq. m. About 3*** land lots are on sale beginning from *** RUB. for acre. Average price of the lot varies from *** to *** RUB. The largest amount of lots offered has an area of 6-20 acres. About *** apartments with an area from 21 sq. m. to 100 sq. m. and price of *** – *** RUB are also on sale. Average price of apartment in *** district reaches *** RUB.
Main clients who purchase immovable property on a secondary market in *** district are inhabitants of *** districts.
The largest demand receive the land lots without building contract – ***%. Demand on ready houses with land lots is a little smaller and includes ***%. At present, there is a tendency to increase interest to ready cottages or those which are still under construction. The demand for townhouses is noticeably small and includes ***%. About ***% of Russian interviewees prefer to rent a new house each summer. About ***% of Russians want to buy an apartment.
List of tables, diagrams, illustrations, graphics |
4 |
Chapter 1. Detailed analysis of the lot |
7 |
1.1. Description of the lot. Main factors of location. Reasons on choosing a lot |
7 |
1.2. Image of the district and region |
19 |
1.3. Plans for developing the municipal unit, ***district |
20 |
1.4. Description of physical, juridicial, administrative, technical and technological limitations of the lot |
24 |
Chapter 2. Analysis of the nearby district |
25 |
2.1. Short characteristics of the village ***. General information |
25 |
2.2. Analysis of the *** village settlement |
26 |
2.3. *** region and *** town. General information |
29 |
2.4. Short characteristics of *** |
34 |
Chapter 3. Analysis of the market situation in district |
42 |
3.1. Identification of the main competitors |
42 |
3.2. Analysis of the offer in *** region |
45 |
3.3. Analysis of the offer in *** |
48 |
3.3. Description of the projects, strong and weak points |
49 |
3.4. Analysis of the demand structure on local market |
52 |
Chapter 4. Sales |
66 |
4.1. Sales target |
66 |
4.2. Positioning of building up apartments and main target audience |
68 |
4.3. Methods for stimulating the sales |
72 |
4.4. Advertising politics and program of PR events |
73 |
4.5. Budget of promotion campaign |
79 |
Chapter 5. Marketing functions |
81 |
5.1. Analysis of marketing information |
81 |
5.2. Positioning of the price of typical housing estate in projects |
81 |
5.3. Positioning of the prime cost of housing estate in family village near *** |
83 |
Chapter 6. Architectural building conception |
86 |
6.1. Quantity, area of houses/townhouses/apartments and area of lots |
86 |
6.2. Architectural planning decisions |
93 |
6.3. Infrastructure, accomplishment, security |
105 |
6.4. Prior masetr plan of building up a lot |
120 |
Chapter 7. Conclusion on the best usage of the lot |
121 |
7.1. SWOT analysis of the project, strong and weak points of the lot |
121 |
7.2. Estimation of the lot for corresponding hypothesis and business climate |
122 |
7.3. Rating of the prior costs on project |
124 |
7.4. Financial result for project |
127 |
7.5. Analysis of risks of the project |
129 |
7.6. General conclusions |
131 |
Illustration 1.1. Lands of client |
7 |
Illustration 1.2. Map of potential lots constructible surface |
8 |
Illustration 1.3. Village *** on a map |
9 |
Illustration.4. Lot 2 chosen for building up |
10 |
Illustration 1.5. Connecting points |
11 |
Illustration 1.6. Electric substation |
11 |
Illustration 1.7. View on Donskoy bay to the left |
12 |
Illustration 1.8. View on Azov sea from the lot 2 |
13 |
Illustration 1.9. View on Kerchenskiy channel |
13 |
Illustration 1.10. Roads on a map |
15 |
Illustration 1.11. Area near *** village for social infrastructure |
16 |
Illustration 1.12. Geodesic map of the lot |
18 |
Illustration 2.1. *** village settlement (view from the satellite) |
26 |
Table 2.1. Parameters for prognosis on perspective population of ***village settlement |
27 |
Illustration 2.2. *** region |
29 |
Illustration 2.3. Dynamics of the population changing in *** region |
30 |
Illustration 2.4. Correlation of urban and rural population in *** region |
30 |
Table 2.2. Target indicators on realization the development of sanatorium, resort’s and tourist’s complex of municipal unit ***region |
33 |
Table 2.3. Amount of tourists who visited municipal unit ***region |
33 |
Illustration 2.5. City-resort on a map |
34 |
Illustration.6. Dynamics on population changing in urban district – city-resort *** |
35 |
Illustration 2.7. Structure of buyers of the immovable property in city-resort *** |
36 |
Illustration 2.8. Allocation of the foreign buyers of immovable property |
36 |
Illustration 2.9. Rates of sales growth of large and medium businesses in the context of basic trades for 9 months of 2013 to the corresponding period of previous year |
39 |
Illustration 2.10. Structure of sales of large and medium businesses for 9 months of 2013 |
40 |
Illustration 2.11. Change of subjects’ amount in small and medium businesses in the first half year of 2013 in comparison with the first half year of 2012 |
40 |
Table 3.1. Objects of immovable property in ***region |
42 |
Illustration 3.1. Objects of immovable property in ***region |
43 |
Table 3.2. Objects of immovable property in *** |
43 |
Illustration 3.2. Objects of immovable property in *** city |
44 |
Illustration 3.3. Structure of the offer on cost of 1 acre of the lot |
47 |
Table 3.3. Area of land lots of cottage villages |
47 |
Illustration 3.4. Allocation of classes of immovable property in *** on amount of apartments |
49 |
Table 3.4. Strong and weak points of villages competitors |
49 |
Table 3.5. Peculiarities of marketing policy and rates of sales |
51 |
Illustration.5. Requirements of Russians who buy a house with a lot, on regions |
52 |
Illustration 3.6. Availability of Russians to buy houses on Azov sea and Black sea shores |
53 |
Illustration 3.7. Appropriate price of houses near the sea in *** |
54 |
Illustration 3.8. Structure of demand considering type of buildings |
55 |
Table 3.6. General conclusions of migration of population in 2011-2012 |
56 |
Table 3.7. General conclusions of migration of population in 2012-2013 |
57 |
Illustration 3.9. Classification of buyers – vacationists |
63 |
Illustration 3.10. Requirements of vacationists by months |
63 |
Illustration 3.11. Requirements of vacationists |
64 |
Table 4.1. Sales target of objects 2014-2016 |
65 |
Table 4.2. Sales target of objects 2017-2019 |
66 |
Table 4.3. Value of criteria of potential clients |
70 |
Table 4.4. Media plan (first year) |
78 |
Table 4.5. Media plan (second year) |
78 |
Table 5.1. Pricing on cottages in cottage village «***» |
81 |
Table 5.2. Pricing on townhouses in project «***» |
81 |
Table 5.3. Pricing on apartments in apartment complex «***» |
82 |
Table 5.4. Pricing on cottages in family village near *** village |
83 |
Table 5.5. Pricing on townhouses in family village near *** village |
83 |
Table 5.6. Pricing on apartments in family village near *** village |
83 |
Table 6.1. Cottages with area of 90 sq. m. |
86 |
Table 6.2. Cottages with area of 120 sq. m |
86 |
Table 6.3. Cottages with area of 180 sq. m. |
86 |
Table 6.4. Cottages with area of 250 sq. m. |
87 |
Table 6.5. Townhouses with area of 65 sq. m. |
89 |
Table 6.6. Townhouses with area of 80 sq. m. |
89 |
Table 6.7. Apartments with area of 40 sq. m. |
90 |
Table 6.8. Apartments with area of 60 sq. m. |
90 |
Table 6.9. General amount of objects for realization of the project |
90 |
Illustration 6.1. Sizes of the lots |
90 |
Illustration 6.2. Example of realization of the idea of white blocks |
92 |
Illustration 6.3. Main orientation and view from the top point of the lot |
93 |
Illustration 6.4. Zoning of the lot and models of buildings |
93 |
Illustration 6.5. Infrastructure and allocation of «blocks» |
94 |
Illustration 6.6. Sketches of pre-design of village |
94 |
Illustration 6.7. Sketches which reflect architectural approach |
96 |
Illustration 6.8. Sketches which reflect architectural approach |
96 |
Illustration 6.9. Exhibit room on the first floor of Bode-Museum in Berlin |
97 |
Illustration 6.10. Office rooms on the second floor of Bode-Museum in Berlin |
97 |
Illustration 6.11. Entrance to the main hall of Federal ministry of labor and social questions in Berlin |
98 |
Illustration 6.12. Upstairs in Federal ministry of labor and social questions in Berlin |
98 |
Illustration 6.13. Building up objects using EuroBau technology |
100 |
Illustration 6.14. Example of cottage planning with area of 90 sq. m. |
101 |
Illustration 6.15. Example of cottage planning with area of 120 sq. m. |
102 |
Illustration 6.16. Example of cottage planning with area of 180 sq. m. |
103 |
Illustration 6.17. Example of townhouse planning |
103 |
Illustration 6.18. Side-shows |
105 |
Illustration 6.19. Dolphinarium |
105 |
Illustration 6.20. Water pool |
106 |
Illustration 6.21. Water park |
106 |
Table 6.10. Costs on building up necessary communications |
107 |
Illustration 6.22. Master plan of building up the lot |
119 |
Table 7.1. Strong and weak points of the lot |
120 |
Table 7.2. Costs on project 2014-2016 |
122 |
Table 7.3. Costs on project 2017-2019 |
123 |
Table 7.4. Prognosis on financial result 2014-2016 |
125 |
Table 7.5. Prognosis on financial result 2017-2019 |
125 |