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BUSINESS PLAN 'Pub' (including financial model)

Стоимость: 31 500 руб
  • 108
  • Английский
  • 09.07.2014
  • В электронном виде
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Adaptation of this business plan is possible for similar project around the world.

The financial model in the separate file which allows to build with ease the new financial plan by method of input of the relevant data is applied to this business plan.

Business Plan Description


 «El Pub» – English style gastronomic pub.

Consists of two rooms which are the main hall, with possibility of placement of 100 people and a winter and summer verandah (it is designed for 50 people) where the conditions for viewing sports matches and actions are created. It is located near two large highways – Moscow and Pulkovsky Highway, in the densely populated district of the city, it is close to places of the organization of individual and collective leisure.

Market analysis

In the first half of 2013 the turn of public catering made *** billion RUB that is 10,7% less than in the corresponding period of 2012. Negative impact on development of the market of public catering is caused by the rent for rooms and the rise in price of foodstuff. The largest segment in the market of public catering of St. Petersburg is fast food. That is ***% of the market or near *** billion RUB. The largest players by quantity of networks in this segment are the domestic companies.

The segment of democratic restaurants and cafe is much less, than a segment of a fast food. Various coffee houses and candy stores, and also various cafe-bars are the most widespread in St. Petersburg.

Marketing plan

Among the main instruments of promotion of the project the advertising campaign in the following directions will be used: advance on the Internet (search optimization, a contextual advertising, social networks), outdoor advertising (billboards, arches), advertising in printing mass media.

Cost of an advertizing campaign, RUB/month.

Cost items


Hosting, support of the site


Search optimization of the site


SMM (social networks)


Advertizing in printed editions


Outdoor advertizing


Contextual advertizing



113 500


Finance plan




Net profit



Revenue for 3 years of work



Necessary investment






IRR monthly



IRR annual



Payback period



Discounted payback period




Excerpts from Research

According to the conducted research, the greatest share of the market of public catering belongs to a fast food segment – 60% in value terms. This segment underwent the least negative influence of crisis, and showed the highest growth both on sales volume in value terms and on the number of points of service. Some consumers are still reserved in the expenses which aren't really necessary and instead of going to the restaurant of full service they prefer to eat at home or choose less expensive catering establishments as fast food or democratic restaurants.

In the period of economic instability owners of cafe and bars in Russia looked for new ways of involvement of new clients and of enlarging profit. A number of the companies chose diversification of the menu as a way to increase the size of the average check, and also to increase the number of cash operations in cafe-bar. Both in cafe, and in bars special menus for a breakfast and business lunch were included, and also sale of takeaway coffee, thus, the segment entered the successful competition with fast-food establishments.

Results of researches testify that on visit of restaurants, bars, cafe and other institutions of public catering the Russian population spends *** % of the consumer expenses. At the same time, on education Russians spent less than % of means, for health care - by *** %, for communication services *** %.

According to the research, today there are more than *** of catering establishments in the whole Russia.

The classical visitor of the Petersburg pub – a man without financial problems who comes here to watch soccer, hockey or rugby with a glass of beer and to communicate with friends.

As the main motives of visiting the restaurants are meeting friends (*** %) and desire to eat and have a rest (*** %). A quarter of respondents as the main motives of visiting the restaurants noted communication with the boyfriend/girlfriend. About *** % of respondents say that they come to the beer restaurant to celebrate a family holiday, in *** % of cases business meetings are held.

List of charts, drawings, tables……………………………………………….………….


Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………


1.0. Description of the project………………………………….………………………..


1.1. Pub history…………………………………………………………………………….


1.2. Concept………………………………………………………………………………..


1.3. Pub site…………………………………………………………………………………


1.4. Plan scheme of the room of a pub……………………………………………………..


2.0 Analysis of the market………………………………………………………………...


2.1. Analysis of the market of public catering of the Russian Federation………………….


2.2. The analysis of the market of public catering to St. Petersburg………………………


2.3. The cost of the average check to St. Petersburg……………………………………….


3.0 Plan of marketing……………………………………………………………………..


3.1. Short characteristic of production……………………………………………………..


4.0 Production plan………………………………………………………………………..


4.1. Description of the equipment………………………………………………………….


4.2. Personnel……………………………………………………………………….………


5.0 Financial plan………………………………………………………………….………


5.1. Project assumptions……………………………………………………………………


Personnel and salary…………………………………………………………………..


5.2. Plan of sales……………………………………………………………………………


5.3. Sales volumes……………………………………………………………………..……


5.4. Sales Revenue………………………………………………………………….………


5.5. Variable costs…………………………………………………………………….…….


5.6. Fixed costs…………………………………………………………………………….


5.7. Taxes…………………………………………………………………….……………..


5.8. Profit and loss statement……………………………………………………………….


5.9. Calculation of a discount rate by WACC method……………………………………..


5.10. Cash flow statement…………………………………………………….……………


6.0 Financial performance of the project………………………………………………..


7.0 The analysis of sensitivity of financial result to the key calculated parameters…..


APPENDIX 1. Dishes and drinks of a pub "El Pub"…………………………………...


Figure 1. Pub arrangement «El Pub»………………………………………………………………....8

Figure 2. The scheme of seating of guests in a hall of a pub……………………………………….14

Figure 3. The scheme of seating of guests on the  porch…………………………………………...14

Figure 4. Structure of the market of networks of public catering of Russia depending on Concepts of an institution (data for the first quarter 2012), % of total network institutions………...………...... 20

Figure 5. A turn of public catering to St. Petersburg in 2012-2013……………………………….. 24

Table 1. Cost of an advertising campaign, RUB/month………………………………………...… 42

Table 2. Equipment and stock…………………………………………………………………...… 43

Table 3. Pub stuff………………………………………………………………………………….. 45


Chart 1. A turn of public catering in St. Petersburg, billion rubles………………...……………….24

Chart 2. Growth rates of a turn of public catering in St. Petersburg, in the comparable prices, in % to previous year…………………………………………………………………………………..... 24

Chart 3. Main motives of visiting the beer restaurants and pubs…………………………………...34

Chart 4. The main motives of visiting the beer restaurants and pubs depending on a floor………..34

Chart 5. Distribution of the main social media by criterion of monthly visit in the Russian Federation, one thousand people……………………………………………………………………40