Business Plan on the Web Source for United Base of Russian Immovable Estate (including financial model)
- 77
- Английский
- 05.06.2014
- В электронном виде
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What can be a guarantee of the success and positive decision of the investors considering your project? First of all, it's no-ordinary idea and carefully thought out and reasonable investment offer.
«VTSConsulting» company offers not only a prepared business plan: we sell the effective and practicable ideas for your business, starting from the ideas for Internet business to the different spheres of economics. Our clients get a ready, living idea and step-by-step instruction on its realization (business plan document itself), the currentness of which is proved by the market researches made by specialists of «VTSConsulting» company.
The project which is offered as an idea for the given business plan is a complex web source which corresponds to the interests of both sides - a seller and a client - in the sphere of immovable estate and is oriented, first of all, on Moscow and Moscow region. Due to the statements of analytics of the «VTSConsulting» company, this source is a unique base for russian immovable estate.
The latest data of the «VTSConsulting» company researches improve the perspectiveness of the project:
- the feed of the whole area of housing in counting on 1000 of population has increased from 207 sq. m. to 407 sq. m. during ten years.;
- the housing of the population has increased, there is a 23 sq. m. of the whole area of living quarters for each citizen in the available housing;
- the largest size of the housing counting on 1000 citizens was brought exactly to the Moscow region – 1153 sq. m. of the whole area, that is nearly three times bigger than average level in Russia (436 sq. m.);
- the organizations of all patterns of ownership built 242,8 thsd. of apartments with the whole area of 21,0 mln. sq. m, which is on 1,9% higher than equal period of the last year.
The given business plan can be adapted for analogous project around the world.
The financial model in separate file is attached to this business plan, which makes it easy to build a new financial plan by entering the appropriate data.
Description of the business plan
The project's idea:
«***» is a specialized informational source for immovable estate, which has an aim to offer the users - immovable estate agencies, private estate agents, owners and clients - the easiest and most effective instrument that allows to settle any tasks, whether it is the realization of the immovable estate object or its choice.
Situation on the market:
In 201* in Russia the area of housing feed was *** 200 thsd. sq. m. In the first quarter of 2013 the whole amount of dealings in immovable estate reached $ *** mlrd. The investments in commercial estate were dominating on Russian market in the first quarter of 2013. The largest amount of investments is concentrated in Moscow, that is ***% of dealings.
Project's benefits:
- usability of website: there is a strict division on residential, commercial and international immovable estate (illustrations for Chapter 1);
- plenty of methods on attracting people's attention to the announcement: raising an announcement in search, pointing it out, purchasing a VIP announcement or premium announcement, purchasing PRO account, verification for the announcements, possibility to order the leading of the announcement in search engines;
- attaching to the Russian Federation map, which makes the search of an object interactive and comfortable;
- presence of the applications for iOS, Android and ОS Win.
Competitive surroundings:
- project in the sphere of immovable estate Mail.Ru Group (;
- project of the company Business World Online (;
- ru (;
Financial constituent of the project:
- Necessary investments: *** thsd. RUB.
- NPV: *** thsd. RUB.
- Project's IRR: ***%
- Pay-off period: 25 months.
Extracts from the research:
Analysis of the commercial immovable estate in Russian Federation
In the first quarter of 2013 general amount of dealings with immovable estate in Russia reached $ *** mlrd. which is larger on 104% in comparison with the equal period of the previous year. As a result, three months in 2013 became record among the first quarters of other years in terms of investment transactions.
The investments into the office immovable estate were dominating on market in Russia. In the first quarter of 2013 the situation has changed - ***% from the general amount of investments were the dealings with commercial immovable estate versus ***% in the first quarter of 2013. The sector of office dealings occupied ***% from the general amount of transactions in comparison with ***% in the first quarter of previous year.
The investments are mainly concentrated in Moscow - ***% of dealings.
Office immovable estate in Moscow
During the last 10 years the amount of valuable offers on office apartments increased in 7 times - *** mln. sq. m in 2002 in comparison with *** mln. sq. m in the first quarter of 2013. It's important to mention that only ***% of the existing offers belongs to Category A (*** mln. sq. m).
In the first quarter of 2013 in Moscow there were included near *** thsd. sq. m of valuable office areas. Experts are expecting the maintaining of the developers' activity. The appearing of nearly 850 thsd. sq. m of office areas are expected to enter the market till the end of year.
List of illustrations, graphics and diagrams ………………………………………………. |
4 |
Resume …………………………………………………………………………………… |
6 |
Chapter 1. Project's description ………………………………………………………… |
7 |
Chapter 2. Market analysis ……………………………………………………………… |
16 |
2.1. Analysis of inhabited immovable estate in Russian Federation ………………… |
16 |
2.2. Analysis of commercial immovable estate in Russian Federation ……………… |
18 |
2.2.1. Office immovable estate in Moscow ……………………………………… |
20 |
2.2.2. Commercial immovable estate in Moscow ………………………………… |
21 |
2.2.3. Warehouse immovable estate in Moscow ………………………………… |
22 |
2.3. Development of the Internet in Russian Federation …………………………… |
23 |
2.4. Mobile Internet in Russia ………………………………………………………. |
26 |
2.5. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… |
27 |
Chapter 3. Monetization of the project ………………………….……………………….. |
29 |
Chapter 4. Competitiveness ……………………………………………………………… |
31 |
4.1. Main competitors ………………..………………………………………………. |
31 |
4.2. Advantages among competitors ……………………………………………........ |
33 |
Chapter 5. Marketing plan ………………………………………………………………… |
34 |
5.1. Website's usability ………………………………………………………………. |
34 |
5.2. Search optimization ……………………………………………………………… |
34 |
5.3. Context advertising ……………………………………………………………… |
37 |
5.4. Promoting in social networks ……………………………………………………. |
38 |
5.5. Advertising on the main pages of search engines ……………………………….. |
38 |
Chapter 6. Financial plan ………………………………………………………………….. |
40 |
6.1. Assumptions of the project ………………………………………………………… |
40 |
6.2. Sales forecast …………………………………………………………………….. |
42 |
6.3. Unit sales…………… ……………………………………………………………… |
45 |
6.4. Sales price ……………………………………………………………… |
48 |
6.5. Revenue …………………………………………………………………… |
49 |
6.6. Variable cost ……………………………………………………………….. |
52 |
6.7. Fixed cost …………………………………………………………………… |
54 |
6.8. Capital expenditure ……………………………………………………………….. |
54 |
6.9. Taxes …………………………………………………………………………….. |
55 |
6.10. Profit and loss statement …………………………………………………….. |
56 |
6.11. Cash flow statement …………………………………………. |
59 |
6.12. Finance indexation ……………………………………………………………….. |
62 |
Chapter 7. Analysis of sentimental value …………………………………………………… |
63 |
7.1. Change of price level ………………….…………………………………………… |
63 |
7.2. Change of prime cost ……………………….……………………………………… |
65 |
7.3. Change of the size of fixed expenses (without including the fund for remuneration of labour) ……………………………………………………………………………….. |
68 |
7.4. Change of the size of fund for remuneration of labor (FRL)……………………………………………………………………………………. |
70 |
7.5. Change of the discounting rate ……………………………………………………. |
73 |
General conclusion …………………………………………………………………….. |
75 |
Diagrams |
Diagram 2.1. Investment parts by cities ………………………………………………………. |
20 |
Diagram 2.2. Investment parts by country of origin ………………………………………….. |
20 |
Diagram 2.3. Investment parts by sections ……………………………………………………. |
21 |
Diagram 2.4. Allocation of dealings by business sections …………………………………….. |
22 |
Diagram 2.5. Allocation of dealings by type …………………………………………………… |
24 |
Diagram 2.6. Entry of Internet in big cities of Russian Federation ……………………………. |
25 |
Diagram 2.7. Structure of users in the Internet by the types of settlement, % of users………… |
26 |
Diagram 2.8. Popular search engines in Russia.………………..……………………………….. |
26 |
Diagram 2.9. Usage of the off-wire and fixed Internet by Russians …………………………… |
27 |
Diagram 6.1. Dynamics of development of the main financial rates, thsd. RUB.……………… |
57 |
Diagram 6.2. Comparison of the dynamics of accumulated money flows and accumulated discounted money flows, thsd. RUB.……………………………………………………………. |
61 |
Graphics |
Graph 2.1. Dynamics of the apartment input in Russia, January 2010 – June 2012, %………… |
17 |
Graph 2.2. Dynamics of the apartment input in Russia in 2005-2012, prognosis on 2013-2015, thsd. sq. m ………………………………………………………………………………………... |
19 |
Graph 2.3. Amount of Internet users. Dynamics. Russia, from 18 years and older, mln. people (by cumulative result)……………………………………………………………………………. |
26 |
Graph 6.1. Dynamics of the growth of retained earnings, thsd. RUB.…………………………… |
57 |
Illustrations |
Illustration 1.1. Main page of website ………………………………………………………….. |
9 |
Illustration 1.2. Main page of website before loading ………………………………………….. |
9 |
Illustration 1.3. Immovable estate page ………………………………………………………… |
10 |
Illustration 1.4. Favorites - Comparison ………………………………………………………… |
11 |
Illustration 1.5. Website news …………………………………………………………………… |
12 |
Illustration 1.6. Control panel …………………………………………………………………… |
12 |
Illustration 1.7. Search …………………………………………………………………………… |
13 |
Illustration 1.8. Search on a map ………………………………………………………………… |
13 |
Illustration 1.9. Enlarged search ………………………………………………………………… |
14 |
Illustration 1.10. Help …………………………………………………………………………… |
14 |
Illustration 1.11. Support tickets ………………………………………………………………… |
15 |
Illustration 1.12. Registration (Step 1)……………………………………………………………. |
16 |
Illustration 1.13. Registration (Step 2)……………………………………………………………. |
16 |
Tables |
Table 3.1. Main paid services of the source.………………..………………..…………………… |
25 |
Table 7.1. Key principles …………………………………………………………………….. |
41 |
Table 7.2. Revenue (by units)………………………………………………………. |
44 |
Table 7.3. Realizable value………………………….………………………………………. |
47 |
Table 7.4. Sales revenue, thsd. RUB…...…………………………………..…………….……. |
48 |
Table 7.5. Variable cost, thsd. RUB…..…………………………………..………………... |
51 |
Table 7.6. Fixed cost, thsd. RUB……….……………………………………..…………… |
53 |
Table 7.7. Capital expenditure……. …………………………………………………………….. |
53 |
Table 6.8. Taxes, thsd. RUB…...………………………………………………………..………. |
54 |
Table 6.9. Profit and loss statement, thsd. RUB...………………………………..………….. |
55 |
Table 6.10. Cash flow statement, thsd. RUB….……………………………… |
58 |
Table 6.11. Financial rates ………….……………………………………………………………. |
61 |
Table 7.1. Change of price level ………………………………...………………………………. |
62 |
Table 7.2. Change of prime cost ………………………………………………………………… |
64 |
Table 7.3. Change of the size of fixed expenses (without including the fund for remuneration of labor) |
65 |
Table 7.4. Change of the size of fund for remuneration of labor (FRL)……….………………. |
67 |
Table 7.5. Change of the discounting rate ……….……………………………………………… |
74 |