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BUSINESS PLAN 'Vegetarian restaurant'

Стоимость: 27 500 руб
  • 90
  • Английский
  • 15.07.2014
  • В электронном виде
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The project’s idea: an opening of the cafe-restaurant of vegetarian orientation in Moscow, Russia.

Additional goals of the project:

  • popularization of the vegetarianism as an element of healthy nutrition;
  • generation of the entire culture of the vegetarianism as a trend;
  • meet the demand for vegetarian cuisine (due to the lack of specialized establishments of catering), provide the audience with the quality products.

Project’s audience: representatives of Vaishnavism[1], vegetarians, vegans, raw food followers, supporters of healthy nutrition and healthy way of life, as well as those, who are interested in new ideas ( a group of people who are just fond of tasting everything new, without being the bright advocates of any trend).

Project’s market sphere

Networks of catering in Russia

Till the end of the first quarter of 2013 there were working *** networks of catering, together with *** shops, including booth in Russia. The largest amount of networks of catering are in big cities, the most noticeable percent is observed in Moscow, where ***% of establishments of the kind now work.

Extent of the market of catering

In 2013 the extent of the market of catering in Russian Federation exceeded *** billion RUB. Annual increase of ***% is planned during the next 4-5 years, and by the 2017 the extent of a turnover of catering is expected to be close to *** billion RUB.

The motives of visiting catering establishments (cafes, restaurants)

According to the surveys, ***% of citizens in the big cities of Russia from 18 to 54 years old visit restaurants and cafes with a purpose to celebrate special occasions. At the same time more than ***% of interviewees in Russia consider having a dinner outdoors an expensive amusement.


Project’s competitive sphere

The project’s competitive sphere is presented by 4 specialized establishments:

  • cafe-restaurant «Receptor»;
  • culinary association «Receptor»;
  • restaurant «Avocado»;
  • cafe-restaurant «Loving Hut».

Peculiarities of the project’s menu

There will be presented first courses, second courses, appetites and desserts, drinks in the menu of “Green Cuisine” restaurant:

  • soups (dal, potage, borsch, shchi (cabbage soup), rassolnik (soup with pickled cucumbers), okroshka and gazpacho during hot season and others of the kind);
  • garnish (plain rice, rice pulao (pilau), buckwheat, mashed potato or fried potato, etc.);
  • appetites (subji, chick-pea in spinach, cutlets of vegetables, zrazy, paneer with a sauce, etc.);
  • salads and cold snacks (including fruit salad, rajitu, lassi, etc.);
  • pastry (no less than three kinds (pasties with sweet and salted filling, cheesecakes, slices or loafs of non-yeasted, curd patties, pizzas, etc.).

Financial plan of the project:

Financial rates

Net profit

thsd RUB


Gain for 5 years of work

thsd RUB


Necessary investments

thsd RUB



thsd RUB


IRR monthly



IRR annual



Index of investment profitability (PI)



Period of payback



Discounted period of payback




Extracts of the research

In the context of a project the realization of a several main courses is presumed:

  1. The establishment of catering (vegetarian restaurant).
  2. The shop for prepared and freeze products.
  3. Pastry to order.
  4. Organization of special events and celebrations.
  5. Home delivery, office delivery (cafe menu + pizza and sushi).
  6. Take-out food.
  7. Business-lunch.
  8. Pastry delivery to other shops.

Idea of cafe-restaurant

The aim of the project is establishing of the vegetarian fast service cafe-restaurant in Moscow. The needs of a target audience of restaurant’s conception, positioned as a vegetarian, require the maintenance of the strict rules. Primarily, the dishes should be cooked considering the canons of vegetarianism that is a removal of products of animal origin from the menu.

Parameters of  products sold

All products and dishes presented for realization should be cooked without using products of animal origin themselves or during the process of preparation.

Products suppliers will be subjected to thorough selection to correspond to the café’s requirements. The priority on products’ delivery will be given to small private farming enterprises. There is also considered a variant of self-contained growing of vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, greens, etc.).



[1] Vaishnavism  (sans. वैष्णव धर्म) is one of the main schools of Hinduism, which have a distinctive feature of adoration of Vishnu and his avatars (mainly of Krishna and Rama).

List of tables, diagrams, illustrations


Project’s resume


Chapter 1.  Project’s description


1.1. Idea of café-restaurant


1.2. Parameters of  products sold


1.3. Requirements for café-restaurant


1.4. Design and positioning of the cafe


1.5. Menu of café-restaurant «Green Cuisine»


1.6. Permissive documents for the opening of café-restaurant


Chapter 2. Market analysis


2.1. Analysis of the market of catering in Russian Federation


2.2. Market of catering in Moscow


2.3. Delivery of prepared dishes in Moscow


Chapter 3. Project’s competitors


Chapter 4. Organizational plan


4.1. Manning table of the project «Green Cuisine»


Chapter 5. Sales target and marketing strategy


5.1. Pricing policy of the cafe


5.2. Attracting the clients


Chapter 6. Operational plan


6.1. Basis of the choice of  restaurant’s location


6.2. Characteristics of the required apartment (rent)


6.3. Structure of area usage


6.4. Equipment for the restaurant


6.5. Choice of the products’ suppliers


6.6. Diagram on project’s realization


Chapter 7. Financial plan


7.1. Assumptions of the project


7.2. Sales forecast


7.3. Unit sales (in terms)


7.4. Sales price of project’s positions


7.5. Revenue from the project’s products  


7.6. Prime cost of project’s categories


7.7. Capital expenditure of the project (summarily, RUB)


7.8. Fixed cost (monthly)


7.9. Project’s taxes


7.10. Profit and loss statement


7.11. Calculation of the discounting rate using the WACC method


7.12. Cash flow statement


7.13. Project’s cost efficiency index


Chapter 8. Analysis of the project’s sentimental value





Table 1. The largest services of food delivery (Russia and Moscow)........................................... 33

Table 2. Competitors of the project of vegetarian café-restaurant «Green Cuisine».................... 35

Table 3. Manning table of the project «Green Cuisine»................................................................ 38

Table 4. Price of realization of products in restaurant................................................................... 39

Table 5. Conventions used in project’s settlements....................................................................... 49

Table 6. Fund of remuneration of labor of project’s employees.................................................... 49


Diagram 1. Structure of consumer disbursements of Russian Federation citizens on visiting restaurants in comparison with other expenses, %.................................................................................................................. 23

Diagram 2. Structure of market of catering in Russia considering the idea of establishment, % from the general amount of network establishments, thsd....................................................................................... 24

Diagram 3. Growth rate of the extent of fast-food market in Russia, money terms,  $ mln. USD 32

Diagram 4. Main rates of the project............................................................................................. 62

Diagram 5. Dynamics of retained earnings of the project............................................................. 62


Illustration 1. Plan of apartment of the restaurant «Green Cuisine»............................................... 9

Illustration 2. Approximate interior of the restaurant’s guest zone (view 1)................................. 10

Illustration 3. Approximate interior of the restaurant’s guest zone (view 2)................................. 10

Illustration 4. Shop-window for realization of prepared products of restaurant (view 1)............ 11

Illustration 5. Shop-window for realization of prepared products of restaurant (view 2)............ 11

Illustration 6. Shop-window for realization of prepared products of restaurant (view 3)............ 12

Illustration 7. Approximate interior of the restaurant’s guest zone (view 3)................................. 12

Illustration 8. Elements of decorating the interior of restaurant (variant 1).................................. 13

Illustration 9. Elements of decorating the interior of restaurant (variant 2).................................. 13

Illustration 10. Elements of decorating the interior of restaurant (variant 3)................................ 14

Illustration 12. Approximate plan of restaurant’s apartment......................................................... 45

Illustration 13. Variant of the chairs arrangement in the main room............................................. 46

Illustration 14. Banquet arrangement of the chairs in the main room of the restaurant................ 46